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Learn how to make your own beauty and skincare products for less than $25 a month!

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the natural beauty made easy

Learn how to make your own beauty and skincare products for less than $25 a month!

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Are you spending $50, $100 or even $300 a month on skin care products?

Do you wish you could ditch the toxic chemicals in your favorite beauty care products?

Do you want to go more natural with your skin care routine but don’t know where to start?

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Are you spending $50, $100 or even $300 a month on skin care products?

If you’re like most people, you probably think that all homemade beauty products are dangerous or too complicated.

Take my word for it. They are not! The readers of Green Beauty Mama are very sophisticated and expect the best. I live up to that expectation.

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…a fun-loving beauty huntress with over 12 skincare products in your bathroom

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who spends tons of money on luxury brands and is drowning in a piping-hot bowl of “My skin is not getting better! I dream of clear and beautiful skin!” soup – keep scrolling you’re gonna want to see this…

But what if you could magically snap your fingers and have your natural beauty recipes completely made for you?

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  • having to “find the time” to learn how to create my own skincare recipes online that’s been on your to-do list so long it’s growing mold.
  • expensive luxury products in your bathroom are full of toxins that are killing you.

  • feeling that pang of guilt every time you buy a new expensive organic product because you know you should use only natural skincare, but you have no idea how to make it yourself.
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  • having to “find the time” to learn how to create my own skincare recipes online that’s been on your to-do list so long it’s growing mold.
  • expensive luxury products in your bathroom are full of toxins that are killing you.

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  • feeling that pang of guilt every time you buy a new expensive organic product because you know you should use only natural skincare, but you have no idea how to make it yourself.
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You’ll have the best natural skincare recipes that you’ll easily make at home.
And you’ll beg for more!

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THE NATURAL BEAUTY BUNDLE [/ux_text] [gap height=”20px” height__sm=”20px”] [ux_text font_size=”2″ font_size__sm=”2″ line_height=”0.75″ line_height__sm=”1″]

Get it today for
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only $21

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100 Natural Skincare Recipes made with simple ingredients, from body lotions to facial moisturizers and everything in between.

(Written by an actual professional natural skincare maker, not some blogging rando who hit it big on Pinterest with a viral pin and is now a “DIY beauty guru.”)

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Here’s why you’ll love this book:

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Lora, I seriously love the Natural Beauty Fairy. Having all those amazing skincare recipes ready has been a game-changer. It really helps to build a better and all-natural skincare routine.

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Kirstin W. Everton


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The Natural Beauty Bundle has a great collection of DIY recipes for everyone.I have already changed the way I eat and this is the next step in taking proper care of my skin. This book covers many areaws of skin and body care (facial skin, hair, beauty, etc) and Lora made it extremely simple to follow.

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Kimberly Mason


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I love every part of Natural Beauty Bundle! I am enjoying these body product recipes. The ability to make chemical free products is liberating! Thank you Lora for being an inspiration and creating such lovely reicpes.

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Jasmine Silvan


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Let’s look inside and see what’s included

Natural Beauty Recipes Made Simple eBook with 100 beauty and skincare recipes – including facial serums, lotions, scrubs, dry shampoo, hair conditioner, moisturizer, facial masks, and much more in a full-color 80 page book.

The 7 Must-Have Ingredients for Natural Beauty Recipes

Labels you can print and use for the recipes in the eBook

Printable Recipe Cards to organize your DIY Beauty Recipes

Lifetime Access – learn at your own pace and access on your computer, iPad, smart phone – anytime, anywhere

and the bonus content

Access to my BEST DIY MAKEUP SET eBook ($35 value)

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No More Toxic Luxury Products

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DIY Beauty Recipes for Busy Ladies…

Who Know Life is too Short to Waste Time & Money for Toxic Luxury Products

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After the Natural Beauty Fairy + it’s $200 worth of bonuses, you’ll:

  • Make your own organic beauty and skincare products for less than $25 a month.

  • Learn how to make your own skincare – without the fuss of complicated recipes or hard-to find ingredients.

  • Finally, stop using toxic and expensive products that’re poisoning your body everyday.

  • Get tried-and-true recipes that work to nourish the skin and make it look more radiant than ever before.
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    I’m Lora Vettorato and I was born in ’86, the Year of the Dragon. I’ve been making homemade skincare recipes for over 5 years. Green Beauty Mama started with just me, testing and writing recipes every spare minute of the day!
    This is my place to learn and share about the world of natural beauty I had recently discovered.

    As a busy mom, I know how overwhelming it can be to want to make changes for my family but not where to start. That’s why I created this book. I want to help you to glow naturally and discover the amazing world of natural beauty.

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    Why Wait? Buy Now!

    You know you’ve been wanting to make more homemade and DIY skincare recipes. But who wants to spend hours scouring the internet or pouring over countless books to find the right recipes. I’ve done all the work for you.

    All-natural beauty product recipes for healthy, glowing skin and a happier you!

    With the beautiful, soothing products in Natural Beauty Recipes Made Simple, you’ll always be just a few moments away from the luxury of your very own home spa experience, and an easy escape into tranquility, relaxation, and indulgence.

    Ready to get started? Buy this e-book now!

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    get started now!

    [/ux_text] [button text=”Click Here to Buy NOW” letter_case=”lowercase” size=”xlarge” link=”https://sowl.co/s/bt3Yio” class=”https://greenbeautymama.com/shop/natural-beauty-recipes-made-simple/”] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [ux_banner height=”170px” bg_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.012)” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(0,0,0)”]

    get started now!

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