Weigh out your butter, beeswax and carrier oils.
Melt butter, beeswax and carrier oils gently in a bain-marie or water bath. If you wish, you can first melt the harder ingredients with a higher melting point (mango butter, beeswax), then add softer ingredients with a lower melting point (carrier oils). This prevents overheating ingredients.
Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat.
Add your essential oils, Vitamin E if you use it, and any other heat-sensitive ingredients. This is best done by weighing these ingredients as you add.
Mix well.
Pour into containers. It’s important not to allow drops of water from the bain-marie to get into the product, so you may need to dry it with a cloth before pouring.
Steps 4-7 need to be completed quickly, as wax products will be set up quickly as soon as they cool. It’s a magical process watching them form before your very eyes.