whipped body butter with beeswax

The Best Homemade Body Butter Recipe with Beeswax

This homemade body butter recipe with beeswax will make your skin glowing, smooth and moisturised while restoring dry and damaged sensitive skin.

Thus, it’s a simple DIY beauty recipe and makes a thoughtful homemade spa gift.

Homemade beeswax body butter can be made with nourishing natural ingredients, including purifying essential oils and mango butter

While many types of homemade body butter with beeswax are thick and greasy, this wonderful whipped natural body butter with beeswax works very well. It absorbs quickly, is not greasy, and is a great way to keep your legs smooth and nourish your skin during cooler months. Whip up a batch of the body butter with beeswax and use it all winter long!

body butter recipe with beeswax

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Making your own bath and beauty products can be a lot of fun. Though it may look difficult, creating homemade skin care products is rather easier. 

Not only do I enjoy making my skincare items, but it is very important to me to know precisely the ingredients in my body.

The skin is the largest organ, and everything put on it gets absorbed into the skin, so what you put on your body does matter.

Homemade body butter recipe with beeswax

Making your own beeswax body butter is actually quite simple.

Beeswax is easy to melt, mixes well with other ingredients, and solidifies at room temperature. With a relatively low melting point, it stores indefinitely without special equipment.

Though the initial cost of buying natural wax may seem steep, you never have to worry about spoiling. It will be ready when you are ready to create something special.

This easy DIY body cream is perfect for your entire body and feels exactly like store-bought lotion. This is the best body butter recipe with beeswax you’ll ever try!

All the ingredients are natural, with no mineral oil — and no emulsifying wax. I have already made a second batch with my mom. One of the best things about this whipped body butter recipe is you make it right in the jar — no mess. And it is quick.

Benefits of beeswax for skin

With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, beeswax benefits the skin, hair, and overall wellness.

Beeswax is a natural wax that is produced by honey bees. Female worker bees produce the wax to build the comb to house their babies and store honey.

beeswax benefits

  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiviral
  • Antifungal

Beeswax is suitable for many skincare issues, providing a protective layer on the skin. Beeswax can cleanse and purify the skin with its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Apply as needed to reduce the rash when flare-ups, dry skin, and itchiness. 

In natural skincare products, beeswax is an amazing occlusive – it creates a barrier on the skin and thus prevents water from evaporating. Beeswax is also very useful as a thickener – it will thicken oils to form balms and salves.

The easiest way to use beeswax is to melt it with oils to make salves. In this case, you will need 10-20% beeswax; the rest will be oils. Beeswax is also a wonderful thickener and occlusive in lip balms. 

This project is a great body butter for beginners because it is easy to work with. However, if you’re interested in making homemade salve recipes, hop over to Earth Jubilee, where you’ll learn how to make homemade Arnica salve.

homemade body butter with beeswax

Best ingredients for beeswax body butter

A good body butter contains mango butter, sunflower oil, beeswax, and essential oils. Adding arrowroot powder will help absorb some of the oils and make the body butter non-greasy.

Mango Butter

Mango butter contains antioxidants and essential fatty acids for the skin. It may improve skin tone, reducing age spots and anti-ageing signs. Mango butter is very moisturizing and can help anyone with very dry skin. It has vitamins A, C, and E in it. All of these are vital for a healthy skin glow. 

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is non-irritating and non-comedogenic, which means it will be absorbed by the skin easily and won’t clog the pores. It’s rich in oleic acid – a fatty acid known as a natural skin moisturizer that can penetrate deep into the skin. It contains a very high percentage of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid also known as vitamin F. This fatty acid plays an essential role in forming ceramides, one of the skin’s main moisturising elements. 

The sunflower oil (use cold-pressed sunflower oil, not the highly refined cooking oil) can be replaced with any carrier oil (liquid oil), such as sweet almond oil, peach kernel or apricot kernel. You could use a single oil or a blend and incorporate oils such as avocado or jojoba oil. Anhydrous products will always feel quite oily on the skin. You can use drier-feeling oils like fractionated coconut oil or macadamia nut oil to reduce the oiliness. Experiment until you find your perfect blend!

Essential oils (optional)

Adding essential oils to the homemade beeswax body butter will not only provide additional benefits, but the essential oils will make it smell amazing! 

Here are some options for essential oils:

• Skin Soother: 0.7% (approx 21 drops) lavender essential oil and 0.3% (approx 9 drops) chamomile essential oil.

• Floral: 0.6% (approx 18 drops) geranium essential oil and 0.4% (approx 12 drops) lavender essential oil.

• Fresh: 0.6% (approx 18 drops) lemongrass essential oil and 0.4% (approx 12 drops) lavender essential oil.

• Sensual: 0.4% (approx 12 drops) ylang ylang essential oil and 0.6% (approx 18 drops) lavender essential oil.

Arrowroot powder (optional)

Arrowroot powder (corn starch or tapioca starch) is extracted from the arrowroot plant. It is commonly used to thicken dishes or add texture to baked goods. The added arrowroot powder gives the body butter a perfect and smooth texture. The arrowroot powder will absorb some of the ingredients’ oils, making it less oily.

Vitamin E oil (optional)

Natural vitamin E is an oily and thick liquid that contains a mixture of tocopherols. It protects oils and other fatty ingredients from oxidation. It also acts as an antioxidant in the skin, protecting skin cells from the damaging effects of oxidation molecules.

Equipment list

  • To make your body butter, you’ll need the following:
  • Digital scales (for measuring your oils and other ingredients)
  • Glass beakers or jugs (to measure your ingredients into)
  • Stirring rod or spoon (for mixing)
  • Double boiler (for melting ingredients)
  • Jars (for packaging your products)

whipped body butter with beeswax

How to make beeswax body butter

The whole process of making homemade body butter with beeswax is simple. Combine butter (like mango butter or shea butter), beeswax and good carrier oil. Using the double boiler, melt the ingredients gently until all are liquid. You’re done! You may add essential oils if desired.

What you will love about this homemade body butter with beeswax is that the recipe is easily customisable. This DIY body cream with beeswax uses ingredients that are already shelf-stable.

If you are starting your journey towards a healthier lifestyle and want to ditch the chemicals, making your own body butter and body cream is a great first step.

By choosing the right ingredients and carrier oils, you can create body butter at home that absorbs quickly and moisturises your skin without a greasy feeling.

  1. Weigh out your butter, beeswax and carrier oils.
  2. Melt hard butter, beeswax and carrier oils gently in a bain-marie or water bath. If you wish, you can first melt the harder ingredients with a higher melting point (mango butter, beeswax), then add softer ingredients with a lower melting point (carrier oils). This prevents overheating ingredients.
  3. Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat.
  4. Add your essential oils, Vitamin E if you use it, and any other heat-sensitive ingredients. This is best done by weighing these ingredients as you add.
  5. Mix well.
  6. Pour into containers. It’s important not to allow drops of water from the bain-marie to get into the product, so you may need to dry it with a cloth before pouring.

Steps 4-7 need to be completed quickly, as wax products will be set up quickly as soon as they cool. It’s a magical process watching them form before your very eyes.

Shelf life and storage

This homemade whipped body butter with beeswax technically contains no preservatives. However, in my experience, the homemade body butter will last a few months if no water enters it (water causes mould).

Truthfully, this is the first time I’ve had a DIY body butter recipe spoil. That said, much of it is about being careful about water.

I like to add a little vitamin E to my homemade beauty recipes. It helps keep the other oils from rancid, but this is optional. There is little chance of spoilage because no water is used in the homemade body butter with beeswax recipe.

More DIY Body Butter, Lotion Bars, and Homemade Lotion Recipes

How to Make Non-Greasy Body Butter

Easy Cocoa Butter Lotion Bars Recipe

Crunchy Orange Massage Bars

Orange Body Butter

whipped body butter with beeswax

Homemade Body Butter with Beeswax

This homemade body butter recipe with beeswax will make your skin glowing, smooth and moisturised while restoring dry and damaged skin.
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Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Author: A D


  • 73.5 g sunflower oil
  • 24 g mango butter
  • 2 g beeswax
  • 0.5 g essential oil of your choice
  • 0.1 g Vitamin E oil


  • Weigh out your butter, beeswax and carrier oils.
  • Melt butter, beeswax and carrier oils gently in a bain-marie or water bath. If you wish, you can first melt the harder ingredients with a higher melting point (mango butter, beeswax), then add softer ingredients with a lower melting point (carrier oils). This prevents overheating ingredients.
  • Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat.
  • Add your essential oils, Vitamin E if you use it, and any other heat-sensitive ingredients. This is best done by weighing these ingredients as you add.
  • Mix well.
  • Pour into containers. It’s important not to allow drops of water from the bain-marie to get into the product, so you may need to dry it with a cloth before pouring.
  • Steps 4-7 need to be completed quickly, as wax products will be set up quickly as soon as they cool. It’s a magical process watching them form before your very eyes.
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  1. If you use honey in this do you not to use a preservative? Because’ honey is waterbased

  2. If you use honey in this do you not to use a preservative? Because’ honey is waterbased

  3. Honey does not have a shelf life, RAW honey I should I say. Honey is composed mostly of the sugars glucose and fructose. It’s what scientists term a supersaturated solution. When sugar is stirred into a glass of water, some sugar is usually left at the bottom. That’s because the water (solvent) will only dissolve a certain amount. But, if the water is heated, more sugar can be dissolved. Consequently, in supersaturation, heat, enzymes or other chemical agents can increase the amount of material dissolved. These solutions tend to crystallize easily. Syrup, fudge and honey are all considered to be supersaturated solutions. Because of its supersaturation and low water content (15-18%), honey is viscous. That means it is rather thick in consistency and sometimes it’s solid. Its main ingredients are carbohydrates (sugars,) but it also contains, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, organic acids, pollen, fragrance and flavor compounds.

    Many people believe that once their honey has crystallized, it is spoiled and is no longer safe to eat. This is false, as natural honey is one of the only foods that never expires (if sealed properly). Crystallized honey is completely edible- in fact, you can use it in the same ways you use liquid honey!
    Honey and Beeswax are 2 of the most amazing natural resources, if it’s not chemically altered, that man cannot replicate. Definitely worth the reads and research!


  4. Thank you so much for the information!

  5. RedBlueSpice says:

    What is the consistency of this body butter at room temperature?

    Will this body butter be solid if out in 30 degree weather?
    Thanks for your help.

  6. If it’s really so hot, better keep it in a dark and cool place, such as your bathroom. If it starts to melt, you can put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

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